Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Another Shirt; Starting the Puppet

 Only a month gap this time.

I did finish the pink pirate shirt.  For some reason this one seemed to take longer than the first to hand fell the seams - but I love holding that lightweight linen, so that's OK.  I also spent a few hours doing a bit of fancy latticework smocking on the sleeves.
Someday maybe I'll get a full-length mirror and put it somewhere other than the bathroom.

And the fancy work on the sleeves

And now on to the puppet.  I'm really going to try to write this up the way I planned on doing this blog - a place for all the fussy details that don't really belong in my life blog.  We'll see.

As I mentioned in my last post, I've felt the urge for another puppet for a long time.  I've been able to visualize myself working on it - I just couldn't visualize the puppet itself.  All I knew is that I wanted to use the other Icelandic fleece that I have to make fur like the varafell I made.

The clock is ticking.  About the only place I have to take a puppet is the Infinity Con - and that's coming up July 8.  In 2019, I took Lurlene, my little post apoc girl walking puppet - who disturbed the hell out of some people.

The con didn't happen in 2020, because Covid.  In 2020 I took the dragon puppet, which was a huge hit.

I took it again last year (that's what this picture is from) and while again it was a hit, I also got too much of what ever Maker doesn't want to hear:  "I remember that from last year!"

I dig out my Spiderwick Press books and start thumbing.  And there was the griffen - half bird, half lion.  I could give it a mane.  

And now he's going to get his own blog entry.

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